Disclaimer: These are our personal thoughts and opinions; they do not represent the beliefs of the United States government or those of the Peace Corps

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Of reptiles and site placement

Guess who's been eating a lot of iguana lately?

That would be me.

It's high iguana season here in Nicaragua, which means that people in the campo are harvesting as many of these suckers as possible, roasting them over open fires, pulling the meager meat off their bony frames, and mixing into a thick corn stew. It's pretty tasty. But for those of you that don't appreciate reptilian flesh-based dishes, it's also mango and avocado season.

T Minus one day until I know the name of my home for the next two years. I am not feeling overly worried about my fate, although that may change upon arrival to the reveal ceremony tomorrow afternoon. Right now, I just hope there's cake.

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